How to Plan a Child's Funeral

Any time a loved one passes away, there will be people left behind who will miss and mourn that individual. However, when a child dies, the sadness and grief is multiplied. There is a feeling that the child didn't get to finish his or her sojourn on earth. If you have been asked to handle arrangements for a child's funeral, you must have had a very special place in the child's heart. In addition, you must feel very honored, as you have been trusted by the child's family to handle a very important event.

The Purpose Of The Funeral - Of course, part of the reason for a funeral is to take care of the child's body in the way that the parent's have chosen. The other purpose of the funeral is for family and friends to have a sense of closure and to begin the next step of the grieving process. Those who attend will appreciate being consoled while they get to know more about the little one.

The Spoken Word - This is the perfect time to ask people who were close to the child to share thoughts and to take part in the service.

  • Even though the obituary won't be very long because of the short duration of the child's life, it is still good to have somebody tell about when and where the child was born and a brief history of his or her life. 
  • A eulogy telling about the child might include funny and tender anecdotes about him or her. Hobbies, accomplishments, the way the child loved to spend time, favorite books and movies, and other things that stand out about the child's life will bring sweet memories and a much-needed relief to those in the congregation.
  • It would be a wonderful thing to express how the child touched the lives of parents, siblings, other family members and friends.
  • Consider asking teachers or other adults who were close to the child to be part of the program.

Music - Music is one of the arts that truly affects the emotions. Choosing the right music will more than likely comfort those who attend the funeral.

  • Consider asking somebody to lead school mates or children from your church to be part of a choir. A medley of children's songs like "Jesus Loves The Little Children," "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands," and "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" are among those you might select.
  • Another idea is to ask a soloist or a small group to sing songs that are inspiring for everybody. Some to consider are "All Things Bright And Beautiful," "Morning Has Broken," "How Great Thou Art," and "Amazing Grace."
  • Perhaps inspiring songs from the movies would be a good choice. Some to consider are "Somewhere Over The Rainbow,"  "You've Got A Friend In Me," and "The Impossible Dream."
  • Instrumental music without words would also be beautiful and appropriate. A guitarist, a violin group, or a piano medley are all good considerations.

As you complete the plans for the child's funeral, think about having a display of pictures and other items that represent the child's short life. That display will be part of what tells the child's life story and will allow those who attend the funeral to contemplate upon it. And as you carefully consider the site for the funeral, search for an appropriate venue in your area, such as Pineview Funeral Service, for one that fits the needs of the family.
